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Project Tamiya Lunch Box - Part 2

So I've had to back track a bit since I couldn't decide which servo I need to use. After a couple days of research, I think an CYS-S2810 10k torque digital servo would be suitable for my LB. The Tamiya LB kit comes with either a Futaba or Sanwa servo saver, the Futaba one fits perfectly on my CYS digital servo.

Servo fits perfectly on the LB chassis! Along with the battery holder and the front bumper mount.

Almost done! Front suspension arms installed, then screwed in the front bumper and slap on the bulky wheels.

WA-LA! Lunch Box with chrome blue rims! But wait, this is not finished yet! While building this Lunchbox, I've realized that there are at least 8 upgrades/mods that I can do to this Lunch Box. A video of the stock Lunch box will be posted shortly so stay tune with us. After the test run, it's time for some paint job and some essential upgrades for my LB!

ByMichael Yeung

Tags :Tamiya, Lunch Box


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