The Top 5 Essential upgrades for Traxxas Slash
1. Brushless Motor
It is the first thing that needed to be replaced if you want to win your friends during competition. The brushless motor can deliver extra power to your Slash and increase the maximum rpm of your motor to a different level.
2. LiPo Batteries
The LiPo battery is also a must get upgrade for keeping your Slash at high performance during a long race. An LPB power battery has higher capacity and it can enable your Slash to run a complete race without stopping for recharging. It can keep 100% original capacity within 100 charge cycles.
3. Aluminum Motor Heat Sink
Upgrading to a high speed Brushless motor is not without cost. The motor may run hot during the race, so you also need an aluminum motor heat sink to lower the temperature of the motor.
4. Aluminum Front / Rear Lower Arm
The original plastic arms of Slash can break easily since the slash is designed to jump a lot from the slopes. If the Slash jump from a high land and lost its balance because of bad control, the arms will most probably be the first part to break. Getting an aluminum front /rear lower arm would completely protects your slash when it falls.
5. Aluminum Adjustable Spring Damper
The SLA087F & SLA102R aluminum adjustable spring damper series works very well for the slash. It has 4mm Extra thick shafts which provide better stability and prevent breakage. It also has a progressive rate springs that provides an excellent suspension ability. Not to mention, the whole shock body is made of strong T-6061 aluminum which gives extra strength and durability. What else can be better than this choice!