Builder of the Month: Kim Se-Un (Jan 2024)
Welcome to the Builder of the Month! Can you tell us about yourself and how you got into the hobby?
Kim Se-Un:
I happened to go to the supermarket and there were RC toys. The products sold at the supermarket are completely toy-like, so I bought a small monster truck through online shopping.
How did you discover Boom Racing?
Kim Se-Un:
I was looking closely at the RC4WD Defender product, and coincidentally, Boom Racing products were also making a similar product.
Can you tell us about your Boom Racing vehicles?
Kim Se-Un:
Boom Racing vehicles are really sophisticated, detailed, and fun to assemble.
Are there any future Boom Racing builds you are planning?
Kim Se-Un:
I'm currently building a BRX02 Series III 88.
Where do you draw your inspiration from when you are building?
Kim Se-Un:
I mainly watch YouTube, SNS, friends' RC cars, etc., and carefully observe when new products come out.
What is the RC community like in the area you live?
Kim Se-Un:
I live in Busan, South Korea. Here, we have weekly RC community meetings. So, I sometimes go to meetings and shoot videos.
What cars or upgrades do you hope to see Boom Racing make next?
Kim Se-Un:
I hope they release new electric vehicles like Hummer and Tesla Cybertruck. I hope they make LEDs like real cars.
Do you have any tips or advice for others in the hobby?
Kim Se-Un:
A hobby can become a source of vitality in your daily life. It's even more fun if you go out with close friends or gatherings.
Thank you.
Here are Kim's social media profiles that you can follow:
Youtube: @RCPlayGround
Tiktok: @rcplayground_youtube
Facebook: RCPlayGround
Instagram: rc_play_ground
Twitter: sagoru79
ByBeth Liang
Tags :Boom Racing, BRX01, BRX02, BRX02 Series III, Crawler, Builder of the month