Best Shocks & Dampers For 1/10 RC Scale Trucks
Our suggestions here are the ones that are the most popular among all the scale truck drivers who wants a good looking shock that is both reliable and durable. There are many reasons why aluminum shocks are needed such as to provide rock-solid durability and long lasting reliability with smoother suspension travel. This is why we love mounting aluminum shocks onto all types of RC cars.
Let's begin with the best looking scale truck aluminum shocks from Boom Racing, the Boomerang Type I. The extremely durable shock set is made from hard anodized aluminum, utilizing a droop setup that will keep the truck low to the ground for easier stabilized crawling. The Boomerang comes in different colors and length (90mm, 100mm, 110mm) with 3 different rate of springs sets included. What makes these such good looking dampers are the vivid colored coating on the surface of the shock body and the high quality material used on the shock body design.
Another set of popular shocks are the Boom Racing double suspension adjustable piggyback shocks. Besides the variety of colors you can choose, the special part of this set of shocks is that it has a piggyback oil tank for extra oil within the shocks. It is also a replica of real piggyback shocks that are mounted onto the badass offroad trucks. You may also mount it with 2 springs on the same body to adjust the most preferred spring rate for your Scale Truck.
These GPM Adjustable spring dampers are also very popular among scale trucks. The adjustable shocks is a direct replacement of the stock shock that came with the original kit and RTR. .
There are so many more shocks and dampers here, so be sure to check out the Shocks & Dampers Store here.